Please follow these instructions to create your event.
Video (hosted on site) that explains how to create an event
Step 1: Go to events on wp-admin dashboard > events tab
Clone the template called {Insert Event Topic} – Template to clone
Step 2: Click on the cloned event and edit the following:
- Topic of the event
- Speaker
- Time
- Branch name and address
- Cost
- Tickets
- RSVP details
The Events Calendar Box
Step 3: Time and Date
- Set start and end time
- Check time zone is set correctly (Sydney is +11 during daylight savings and +10 at other times)
Step 4: Location/Venue
- Select or create a venue (this only must be done the first time for your venue to show in the dropdown menu)
- To create a new venue
- Type venues name in the field
- Hit Create: Venue 1
- Edit fields address, city, country, state, postcode, phone (if applicable)
- Tick show map and show map link
- Publish or update the page
- Use edit venue link to change any details. Press update on screen that is open to save information
Step 5: Organiser/s
- Select the organiser (this only must be done the first time for your venue to show in the dropdown menu)
- To create a new organiser
- Type organisers name in the field
- Hit Create: Organiser New
- Edit fields Phone, Website, email as appropriate
- Publish or update the page
- Use Edit Organiser link to change any details. Press update on screen that is open to save information
- Add additional organiser if appropriate
Step 6: Event website
- Add a url of the event if applicable
Step 7: Event Cost
- Leave blank
Step 8: Require membership:
- Select all
Publish the Event
The blue Publish button left-hand side) must be clicked before you leave the page.
Edit as often as you need however always click on blue Update button (left hand side).
If the event is not published or any of the changes updated they will be lost when you leave the page.